
Showing posts from April, 2018

Homework 30th April - 3rd May

Hi everyone, We are off school this Friday so the homework is just for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I'll collect the folders on Thursday. The homework for the 3 nights is - handwriting book v and w - book 'What is it?' - new tricky word 'down' (I didn't get a chance to give out the new tricky words today so I will give them  to the kids in the morning and they can put them in the folders at home) Thanks, Becky

Extra drinks

Hi everyone, As the weather gets a bit warmer the children might need an extra drink in their lunches as it gets very hot in the classroom. If you could send in an extra drink that would be great! Thanks a million, Becky :-)

Plastic bottles needed!

Can everyone please bring in a clear plastic bottle for next week. We are making aquariums during Aistear. Thank you!

Homework 23rd - 27th April

Homework  -Handwriting Book m and n -Reading 'What do I have?' -Matching ig and in rhyming words -Tricky word - there  (You can do this homework in any order) 'What do I have?' Book The children are learning to read sentences. They know that each word is separated by a finger space and that a full stop at the end of a sentence indicates a short pause.  While reading, please encourage your child to place their finger under each word as they read. The children should be able to use their blending skills to decode the words in this book.  Please try to read this book at least twice during this week.  The children can colour in the book if they wish. There are extra 'e' words at the back of the book  Handwriting - m and n Try to stay inside the blue lines for both m and n as they are both small letters. Remember to use the correct pencil grip and correct formation.  Draw a picture of something beginning with m and n at the top of the page....

Photos from Term 2

We did some Polka Dancing during International Week Emmet's mammy Tanya made us some traditional Australian cake for International Week.  Friendship Week  Making friendship bracelets with Christine's 3rd class                                                                Aistear - Fairytales Dress up day Aistear - The Vets Céilí dancing  Our Trip to Malahide Park