
Hi everyone, 

It was great to see everybody today after the break. I hope you all enjoyed the mid-term. Here is the homework for this week. It is different to previous homework so please read carefully.

Please stick to the homework schedule for this week and do not skip ahead. We will be introducing blending on Tuesday and Wednesday so please do not start blending activities until Wednesday. Blending takes time for children to grasp so don’t worry if it doesn’t click straight away, we’ll get there!

Please complete revision sheet (s,a,t,i,p,n) entitled Monday 6th November.
Learn to recognise new tricky word ‘I’ and revise other tricky words. (See homework helpers for suggested activities)

Please complete revision sheet (s,a,t,i,p,n) entitled Tuesday 7th November.
Learn to recognise new tricky word ‘I’ and revise other tricky words. (See homework helpers for suggested activities)

We will have started blending in class. Blending is the process of saying each sound in a word individually and then blending these sounds to read the word. E.g. ‘p’ – ‘i’ – ‘n’  ‘pin’  

Blending game
You will need: blending mat, roll and read sheet, dice, whiteboard marker.
Step 1: Roll the dice.
Step 2: Find the corresponding word on the roll and read sheet that matches the number on the dice.
Step 3: Blend each sound to make the word.
Step 4: Ask your child to clap, stomp, slide, pound and jump the sounds to blend the word. (We will have practiced these techniques in school)
Step 5: Write the word on the blending mat using the white board marker and blend.
Step 6: Roll the dice and start the game again.
Learn to recognise new tricky word ‘I’ and revise other tricky words. (See homework helpers for suggested activities)

Here’s a video showing what blending is:

Have a nice day, 

Becky :-)


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